Development in South West Asia of local initiatives in bioarchaeological practices and trainings – 14th ICAANE (2-7 June 2025)

Development in South West Asia (SWA) of local initiatives in bioarchaeological practices and trainings

Organised by:
(1) CNRS, Paris, France
(2) Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France
(3) Université Lyon 2, Lyon, France
*Corresponding author

Today no excavation can be imagined without the implication and integration of archaeobotany, archaeozoology, and molecular analyses. Within the last 40 years with the development of archaeological sciences, awerness of SWA and non SWA archaeologists has increased on the importance of natural sciences. The aim of this session is : 1) to have a state of art on the developement of bioarchaeological studies in South West Asia by local scholars. 2) to gather the archaeologists and the SWA community of archaeobotanists, archaeozoologists, physical anthropologists, biogeochemists to have a dialogue, to share their experience on when and how these developments took place. 3) to have the viewpoint of field archaeologists and how they deal with the requirement of bioarchaeological research and methods in the field in terms of sampling strategies and also in the frame of heritage regulations and policies. We expect to collect testimonies on these developments and how they impact today the younger generation, despite the political difficulties in the region for several decades. These unique trajectories and stories will constitute a solid documentation on the development of these scientific fields in the SWA countries and a guide for those who engage in this path. We also aim at publishing these testimonies in a single volume that will be as a bench mark for retracing the emergence and development of bioarchaeology in the almost 20 countries that constitute South West Asia.

Bioarchaeology, Collections, Training, Sampling, Heritage Regulations

The following participants will be taking part in the workshop:

Armenia – Roman Hovsepyan (AB)
Armenia – Nina Manaseryan
Cyprus – Hajikoumis-Vigne (AZ- Chypre- Maria Rousou (AB)
Cyprus – Pantelisa Mylona (Geomorpho)
Georgia – Nana Russishvili (AB)
Iran – Marjan Mashkour, Hosein Davoudi (AZ)
Iraq-  Carolyne Douché (AB)
Kazakhstan- William Rendu – Laboratoire xx (AZ- BGC)
Lebanon – Jwana Chahoud (AZ)
Pakistan – Aurore Didier, Margareta Tengberg, Marjan Mashkour, (AZ)
Saudi Arabia – Charlène Bouchaud (AB)
Saudi Arabia – Hervé Monchot, Moussab Albesso (AZ)
Syria – Emmanuelle Vila & Moussab Albesso (AZ)
Turkey – Mehmet Somel / Laurent Frantz (Paléogénétique)
Turkey – Muge Ergun (AB)
United Arab Emirates – Mark Beech (AZ)
Uzbekistan – Delphine Decruyenaere (Samarkand) (AZ)

Dr Mark Jonathan Beech (Scientific Research Lead, Natural History Museum Abu Dhabi) will be presenting the following paper:


Archaeology in the UAE has a comparatively young history and there is a paucity of publications on bioarchaeological research. Archaeologists operating there are aware of possibilities of integrating archaeobotany, archaeozoology, molecular analyses, physical anthropology, and geoarchaeological results with their work, but there are comparatively few opportunities for suitable research facilities or collaboration with colleagues.  There is also a distinct lack of institutions teaching bioarchaeology within the UAE and Gulf region. Many studies are carried out by visiting experts who either only stay a short time in the country, or who export the bioarchaeological remains so they may study the remains elsewhere. This has not helped to build local capacity and expertise in the region. Some suggestions for future best practice include ensuring full engagement with local institutions. The Natural History Museum Abu Dhabi (NHMAD) will open its doors for the first time in 2025. This museum houses a research institute with significant archive and laboratory facilities. The NHMAD will become a hub for resident and visiting scientists to undertake research on its collections. The NHMAD welcomes future research collaborations with bioarchaeologists and will be actively looking to undertake joint training and research programmes.

This takes place in Session 6 – Life and death: Human behaviour and practices – Type of papers:  Workshop, at the 14th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (ICAANE) which has been organised since 1998 by the scientific community of scholars working on and in the Near East. It is an exceptional forum for dialogue and scientific exchanges between all colleagues involved in the study of the Ancient Near East.

After twelve years, the ICAANE comes back to France to the city of lights Lyon. From 2-7 June 2025, the fourteenth International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East will take place in Lyon. It is organised by the Université Lumière Lyon 2 and theMaison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée.

EVENT PLANNER – Registration

26, avenue Jean Kuntzmann – 38330 Montbonnot, France
 Tel: +33 825 595 525 (0,15€/min*)
Information desk: Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 17:00


Université Lyon 2
Maison de l’Orient

16th ICAZ Working Group – Archaeozoology of Southwest Asia and Adjacent Areas (25-28 May 2025)

The 16th International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ) Working Group – Archaeozoology of Southwest Asia and Adjacent Areas (ASWA) conference will be held in Munich, Germany, from 25-28 May 2025.

Call for papers: 1 December 2024

Abstract submission deadline: 31 January 2025

Notification of acceptance for oral/poster presentations: 15 February 2025

Registration opens: 15 February 2025

Early bird registration closes: 30 March 2025

Registration closes: 15 April 2025

Pre-conference excursion: 25 May 2025

Conference: 26-28 May 2025

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