I was part of the delegation from the Department of Culture and Tourism (DCT) Abu Dhabi attending the ICOM 2022 Congress held in Prague, Czech Republic from 20-28 August 2022. The theme of the congress was “The Power of Museums”, which discussed the following themes:
– Purpose: Museums and Civil Society
– Sustainability: Museums and Resilience
– Vision: Museums and Leadership
– Delivery: Museums and New Technologies
I attended the special sessions organised by ICOM NATHIST, the International Committee for Museums and Collections of Natural History of the International Council of Museums. This brought together museum curators and experts from natural history museums from all around the world. The principle event was an offsite meeting held at the National Museum in Prague on Thursday 25th August 2022. There were a series of papers presented about the Nagoya Protocol and concerning Meteorite legislation in different countries.
Offsite meeting held at the National Museum Prague on 25th August 2022 (pdf)
Following the offsite meeting the ICOM NATHIST group then visited the Natural History Museum storage outside Prague located at Horní Počernice, where we visited the Palaeontology and Rocks/Minerals archive storage facilities.